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JFreeSVG 3.4.1 API

JFreeSVG is a vector graphics library for the Java(tm) platform that allows Java2D drawings to be rendered to Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) via a SVGGraphics2D implementation.

See: Description

Package Description
The base package for the JFreeSVG library.
Contains SVGGraphics2D and supporting classes that allow Java2D rendering to Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format.

JFreeSVG is a vector graphics library for the Java(tm) platform that allows Java2D drawings to be rendered to Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) via a SVGGraphics2D implementation. For typical usage, see the class description for the SVGGraphics2D class and the demo applications included in the JFreeSVG distribution.

JFreeSVG requires Java 8 or later. For more information, see

Here are a couple of samples created using JFreeSVG, the chart on the left is created using JFreeChart and the chart on the right is created using Orson Charts.

SVGTimeSeriesChartDemo1.svg SVGBarChart3D.svg

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